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English translation for "we have nothing in common"


Related Translations:
nothing loath:  很愿意, 很乐意
nothing between:  无交易
nothing like:  没有什么能比得上..., 没有比...更好的了, 远非
nothing venture:  不入虎穴 焉得虎子
nothing crave nothing have:  有求才有应
say nothing:  什么也不说
soft nothing:  东拉西扯的软绵绵情话。
achieve nothing:  一事无成
counted to nothing:  毫无结果
he said nothing:  他什么也没说
Example Sentences:
1.But i learned right away we had nothing in common
2.But i learned right away we had nothing in common
3.We have nothing in common with each other
4.We have nothing in common
Similar Words:
"we have no time to stand and stare" English translation, "we have not eaten" English translation, "we have not get fully determined" English translation, "we have not had a bite today" English translation, "we have not wings,we cannot soar," English translation, "we have nothing to complain of" English translation, "we have nowhere to place youth" English translation, "we have only one a day for new york" English translation, "we have only one globe" English translation, "we have our minutes cut" English translation